Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graduation Invitations

Check out these graduation luncheon/dinner/picnic invites!  I can customize these to fit your needs, i.e. font, color and of course picture!  If your child wants their school colors incorporated into invitation, let me know and I'll design a custom invitation for you!  Also, keep in mind these designs can be used for other events, i.e. save the dates, bachelorette party, baby showers, etc.  Email me for details!

Modern Circles Invite... 

Polka Dot Invitations to match your school colors! 

Scrappy Notes

"Scrappy Notes" A name I came up with because of designing stationery using scrap pieces of paper. The envelopes are made from brown paper grocery bags and the flat cards are cut from scrap pieces of scrap booking paper. Letters and shapes are cut from scrap pieces of paper as well! :)